Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post #11

Back To The Future- This video features Brain Crosby, a 30 plus year teacher. I was able to learn several things about learning from this video about the teaching profession. I learned that students today have the opportunity to set their own learning goals and create their own learning networks. I also learned that teaching can be more that just lectures from books, but can be hands on and also involving sharing ones work. Crosby teaches us that the learning can be unlimited once the students are allowed to be creative.

Mr. Paul Anderson- This is a video blog done by Mr. Paul Anderson. In his video blog he shares the three types of questions that students ask. Factual, recall, and application, he explains that the students respond better to hands on activities.

Blended Learning Cycle- This video, which is also done by Anderson, is a video on how he incorporates the blended learning cycle in his classes.  He uses blended learning which consist  of online, mobile and classroom tools with the learning cycle of engage , evaluate, explore expand and explain. This allows us as future educators to receives different ideas on how to approach our classroom with our students in terms of how we are to teach them.

Making Thinking Visible- This is a video done by Mark Church. He explains that visualization is important in term of understanding materials and absorbing knowledge. He feels that if you really want the students to gain true understanding then you must be able to give them a visual guide. I found this to be extremely helpful and will most likely incorporate this in my future classroom.

Sam Pane 4th Grade- In this video fourth grade teacher Sam Pane how she uses a program called building comics to help her students learn. This program is extremely helpful for students, this allows them to improve their reading skills while also having a visual aid so to speak to help them fully understand what the yare reading. What I have learned is that students can learn form this program.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Patrick!

    I really enjoyed your blog post and thought that you described what the video is about in a way that is easily understandable. I did not see any problems with your blog except to check your links and make sure they are working. Your "Making Thinking Visible" link is not working.
