First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class. This video shows us first graders using technology in Ms. Cassidy's class. The students seem to enjoy using this technology as they come off more engaged in the materials in the class as oppose to the teacher just standing up their talking about it, It shows us as future educators that as the years go by more and more technology will be introduced to classrooms.
Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 1. This is the first part of an interview between Dr. Strange and Ms. Cassidy. She talks about how she was introduced to technology and how she had to adapt her teaching methods in order to fit this change.
Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 2. In the second part of the interview between Dr. Strange and Ms. Cassidy she talks about how she began her technology journey with stuff that interested her. I found this to be entirely true. In order to ease into change or try something new you must start with interests of ours in order to make it easier.
Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 3. In the last part in the interview between Dr. Strange and Ms. Cassidy some of Dr. Strange student were able to ask Ms. Cassidy questions. Also Ms. Cassidy went on to say that the profession of teaching is ever changing. This struck true for me. As I am doing my field service hours for another ED class I have noticed that their are changes going on in classes on an annual bases.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
C4K March
Post#1: March 15, 2015
Plan test
I thought the plan test was easy at first but after the second test i got kinda bored because it was really repetitive and i felt really tired but i also tried my best and i feel like i did really well on the plan and i hope i did. I also liked having the plan test because we got 2 days off of school which was great. I think i did really well on the English portion of the plan because all the questions seemed really easy. The part that i think i did the worst on was mathematics because it felt really confusing and I felt like I didn’t have enough time to do the work. Another confusing part of the plan was the science part because I didn’t understand the questions and I believe that they were worded weirdly but I still think I did well on the plan.
My comment:Alex,
I am Patrick Roane and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. When I was in grade school we never did the plan test, we did however did this test called the FCAT which was only taken in Florida. I too struggled with math and science especially when it came to understanding the questions.
Post # 2: March 17, 2015
My Comment:
Patrick Roane on said: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Post #3: March 26, 2015
So B. It
The book I read is So B. It by Sarah Weeks. This book won the parents choice award.
I would not recommend this book because of the ending and it is kind of boring. If you like action packed books this not the book for you. I chose So B.It because of the trailer . If you would like to read it, its an unique book about a girl who is finding out her history.
A short summary of So B. It is a book about a girl whose mom is special and says soof a lot. One day the daughter Heidi find’s a picture of her mom and grandmother at this event for special needs people in Liberty, New York were she finds out about her dad Elliot and what soof and So B. It means. While she is in liberty something terrible happens, Heidi's world was turned upside down. If you are interested in books like this than I recommend this book.
My favorite part of the book is when she was on the bus with Georgia and they ate rebarb pie and listened to Heidi talk. I also liked when Heidi was telling the lady who sat next to her on the bus and she said that Churley Temple came and baked at her house and danced every where.
The type of person who I would recommend this book for is someone who likes death and a journey and a little bit of action. I would recommend it to people like this because it has all of the things in the book.
My Comment: Patrick Roane (Guest) Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I am Patrick Roane a student at the University of South Alabama. I liked how you were honest in your review on this book about how it’s not for everyone. I’ve read other blog post from students from different schools and they just write positive reviews on the books that they have read.
My comment:Alex,
I am Patrick Roane and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. When I was in grade school we never did the plan test, we did however did this test called the FCAT which was only taken in Florida. I too struggled with math and science especially when it came to understanding the questions.
Post # 2: March 17, 2015
Job Shadowing
For the Job Shadowing trip I visited Saint Joseph hospital and shadowed a nurse. I have always wanted to be involved in the medical field but I never had the opportunity to experience it for myself until that day. I shadowed a man named Marcial who was one of the nurses in the Cardiac Ward. During the time that I was shadowing him, he gave me plenty of information to take with me such as how to operate a life support machine as well as what types of drugs to prescribe to a sick patient. A lot of time was spent on the computer where he was constantly putting in the information of patients into the hospital’s network system. For people who were thinking about shadowing a nurse, I highly recommend this hospital. They really give you a hands-on experience as well as teaching you a lot of basics about the field. You have to be able to pay close attention to what the nurses tell you. The Job Shadow went well for me and I liked the job a lot. I can very much see myself working in the career in the future.
My Comment:
Patrick Roane on said: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Post #3: March 26, 2015
So B. It
The book I read is So B. It by Sarah Weeks. This book won the parents choice award.
I would not recommend this book because of the ending and it is kind of boring. If you like action packed books this not the book for you. I chose So B.It because of the trailer . If you would like to read it, its an unique book about a girl who is finding out her history.
A short summary of So B. It is a book about a girl whose mom is special and says soof a lot. One day the daughter Heidi find’s a picture of her mom and grandmother at this event for special needs people in Liberty, New York were she finds out about her dad Elliot and what soof and So B. It means. While she is in liberty something terrible happens, Heidi's world was turned upside down. If you are interested in books like this than I recommend this book.
My favorite part of the book is when she was on the bus with Georgia and they ate rebarb pie and listened to Heidi talk. I also liked when Heidi was telling the lady who sat next to her on the bus and she said that Churley Temple came and baked at her house and danced every where.
The type of person who I would recommend this book for is someone who likes death and a journey and a little bit of action. I would recommend it to people like this because it has all of the things in the book.
My Comment: Patrick Roane (Guest) Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 26, 2015 at 3:28 PM
Henley, I am Patrick Roane a student at the University of South Alabama. I liked how you were honest in your review on this book about how it’s not for everyone. I’ve read other blog post from students from different schools and they just write positive reviews on the books that they have read.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Blog Post #9 :What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?
Seven Essentials For Project Based Learning- By John Larmer and John R. Mergendoller
This article lists the main points or essentials for a student or teacher to be successful in a project based learning assignment. They are listed below
1. A Need to Know- Have an assignment that will make the students feel like that they need to lean this material.
2. A Driving Question- What is the projects thesis statement? What is the main point of this project?
3. Student Voice and Choice- Make the topic of the project broad that way the students can choose what they want to do their project on from that topic. This helps the students feel that what they are doing is meaningful
4. 21st Century Skills- These include Critical Thinking, Communication, and The Use of Technology.
5. Inquiry and Innovation- This refers to a question that leads a trail of ideas, and an answer that is generated from those ideas.
6. Feedback and Revision- The teacher should review the students work, but so should experts or others that can provide an outside opinion.
7. Publicly Presented Production- Have the students present their project to an audience in order to make their work more meaningful.
These steps can help make a students work feel more important than just doing a simple worksheet or studying for a test. These steps can help make a students work feel meaningful and allow their drive to learn more increase.
Project-Based Learning for Teachers By Tony Vincent
This video explains what project based learning is and how it differs from the Common Core Standards. In this video Tony says that the Common Core Standards are the WHAT. This includes: Rigorous Content, Aligned with College and Work Expectations, Clear and Understandable, and Evidenced Based. Then he goes on to say that Project Based Learning is the HOW. This includes: Inquiry Based, Open Ended, Problem Solving, and Personalized. This provides us as future educators to allow our future students to develop their own ideas while intriguing their interest in the class materials.
Project Based Learning in PE By Pflug's Blogs
I found this article to be quite fascinating. It talks about how high school students were challenged to come up with ideas for middle school physical education class and had to come up with a new challenge each day. These ideas were no only for school, but help improve the daily lives outside of school. The high schoolers used the six principles of current education to help them succeed in this project. It was interesting to read about other students taking over for coaches.
Project Based Learning and Physical Education By Andrew Miller
In this article by Andrew Miller he talks about how to mix PE and Project Based Learning. He talks about how in Project Based Learning one must learn to work and problem solve as a team and as an individual. He then goes on to give a PE project through the seven essentials for Project Based Learning (listed above).
Two students solve the case of the watery ketchup by designing a new cap By Lindsey Foat
In this video by Lindsey Foat she shows us how two students can solve a problem by using the methods of Project Based Learning. In this video two high school students, Richard and Thompson, use the mathods of Project Based Learning to solve how to stop the ketchup from being watery and also leaking. They eventually solve the problem and their teacher is pleased with the results. This video show us that we can use the methods of Project Based Learning for other task besides school.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Blog Post # 8
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
This is by far one of the best videos I have seen this semester. Though this video is only an hour long he covered several topics. I also enjoyed how well he presented each topic and idea to the audience. He mixed in the technology from his presentation and the his own body language in a way that clearly kept the audience interested.
There were also two major points in his presentation that really stood out to me the most. The first was the topic of either you're A Tigger or an Eeyore. Meaning that you do you show or present energy and enjoyment in what you do, or simply just go through the motions. As future educators we need to be more along the lines of Tiggers rather than Eeyores. If we show our students that we enjoy the materials then they in turn might take an interest in it as well. The second was the Brick Walls. Randy says "Brick walls aren't there to keep people out. They are there to show us how badly we want something." I found this to be quite interesting. As someone who has faced many brick walls in his life so far. I have also thought that they were there to stop us and tell us to move on. But I really like Randy's point about pushing through the wall. One must push through in order to achieve.
This is by far one of the best videos I have seen this semester. Though this video is only an hour long he covered several topics. I also enjoyed how well he presented each topic and idea to the audience. He mixed in the technology from his presentation and the his own body language in a way that clearly kept the audience interested.
There were also two major points in his presentation that really stood out to me the most. The first was the topic of either you're A Tigger or an Eeyore. Meaning that you do you show or present energy and enjoyment in what you do, or simply just go through the motions. As future educators we need to be more along the lines of Tiggers rather than Eeyores. If we show our students that we enjoy the materials then they in turn might take an interest in it as well. The second was the Brick Walls. Randy says "Brick walls aren't there to keep people out. They are there to show us how badly we want something." I found this to be quite interesting. As someone who has faced many brick walls in his life so far. I have also thought that they were there to stop us and tell us to move on. But I really like Randy's point about pushing through the wall. One must push through in order to achieve.
C4T #2
Post: The Least Talked About Problem in EdTech
In this post by Dean Shareski, he talks about the issue of bandwidth (or lack thereof) in schools. Dean feels that the major problem with EdTech in todays school is that they lack the proper bandwidth. He even states in his post. "Imagine teaching English using books with half the pages ripped out. That’s essentially what it’s like for teachers trying to use devices with no bandwidth." Dean feels that in order for tech teachers, or any teachers for that matter, to properly educate their students to their optimum that schools need to add more bandwidth.
My Comment:
Hi Dean, I am Patrick Roane and I am currently enrolled at the University of South Alabama where I study secondary education in hopes of becoming a teacher myself. I am currently enrolled in a course called EDM 310 where we learn how to educate through technology, Like you yourself stated in your post I too am no expert on bandwidth. However I did enjoy reading your post mostly because I had no idea that this was a problem for most schools. It is nice to see that current educators, such as yourself, share this kind of information so we as future educators can understand and be prepared for this in the future.
In this post by Dean Shareski, he talks about the issue of bandwidth (or lack thereof) in schools. Dean feels that the major problem with EdTech in todays school is that they lack the proper bandwidth. He even states in his post. "Imagine teaching English using books with half the pages ripped out. That’s essentially what it’s like for teachers trying to use devices with no bandwidth." Dean feels that in order for tech teachers, or any teachers for that matter, to properly educate their students to their optimum that schools need to add more bandwidth.
My Comment:
Hi Dean, I am Patrick Roane and I am currently enrolled at the University of South Alabama where I study secondary education in hopes of becoming a teacher myself. I am currently enrolled in a course called EDM 310 where we learn how to educate through technology, Like you yourself stated in your post I too am no expert on bandwidth. However I did enjoy reading your post mostly because I had no idea that this was a problem for most schools. It is nice to see that current educators, such as yourself, share this kind of information so we as future educators can understand and be prepared for this in the future.
In this blog post, written by Dean Shareski, he talks about what he calls an unfair advantage. He first heard this phrase from a talk radio show call Start Up where the host ask a business man what is your unfair advantage. What this means is what do you have in order to succeed that others don't. Dean goes on to say that teachers need that unfair advantage and that you will remember the teacher that had the greatest impact on your life to have been unique.
My Comment:
Hi Dean,
I am Patrick Roane and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really love this blog post and completely agree with it. The teachers that I have had in my life and have had the greatest impact on my life certainly had their own "unfair advantages". The one I remember best is my old high school English teacher, Mr. Stanquist. His "unfair advantage" was that he was simply funny. He would crack jokes and often at the expense of some of the students, in an appropriate manner of course. This made his class fun being in as well as one that all of the students looked forward to.
I am Patrick Roane and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really love this blog post and completely agree with it. The teachers that I have had in my life and have had the greatest impact on my life certainly had their own "unfair advantages". The one I remember best is my old high school English teacher, Mr. Stanquist. His "unfair advantage" was that he was simply funny. He would crack jokes and often at the expense of some of the students, in an appropriate manner of course. This made his class fun being in as well as one that all of the students looked forward to.
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Monday, March 2, 2015
Blog Post #7
Classroom instruction is at a constant change due to technology. As someone who is still considered to be a recent high school graduate, class of 2012, I have noticed that there has been an increase in the technology in schools. As a current college student and future educator it is pivotal that I understand what technology is being used in the school systems, and do all that I can do to be able to implement it in my future classes.
We All Become Better Learners- I really enjoyed because it shows us that teachers can still be students as well. In the video Ms. Michele Bennett talks about how a student taught her about the camera on an iPad. Ms. Bennett was a student in that moment. This shows us that even teachers must still be willing to learn.
Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten - In this video it is said that kindergarten students are using iMovie to create book trailers on books that have also read. While my College level class just recently learned how to use the same technology. This is an indication that my generation of student is currently behind the up and coming one, as far as using technology in classes and how to use it properly. What really caught my attention was when Ms. Bennett mentioned that students where actually editing their own work. I found this fascinating because it shows that kindergarteners are able to find and correct their mistakes at an early age.
iPads in the Classroom- This video shows us that educators are taking advantage of new technologies in their schools. What really stood out to me in this video was what the narrator said. I believe he said something along the lines of "Teachers need to learn how to use the technology in todays classrooms, or the schools will find another teacher either willing to learn or one that already knows how." As shown in this video, teachers are certain using technology for more than showing videos and we as educators need to take advantage of that.
Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers-This video explains why we use technology in education. Here are the 10 reasons listed below.
We All Become Better Learners- I really enjoyed because it shows us that teachers can still be students as well. In the video Ms. Michele Bennett talks about how a student taught her about the camera on an iPad. Ms. Bennett was a student in that moment. This shows us that even teachers must still be willing to learn.
Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten - In this video it is said that kindergarten students are using iMovie to create book trailers on books that have also read. While my College level class just recently learned how to use the same technology. This is an indication that my generation of student is currently behind the up and coming one, as far as using technology in classes and how to use it properly. What really caught my attention was when Ms. Bennett mentioned that students where actually editing their own work. I found this fascinating because it shows that kindergarteners are able to find and correct their mistakes at an early age.
iPads in the Classroom- This video shows us that educators are taking advantage of new technologies in their schools. What really stood out to me in this video was what the narrator said. I believe he said something along the lines of "Teachers need to learn how to use the technology in todays classrooms, or the schools will find another teacher either willing to learn or one that already knows how." As shown in this video, teachers are certain using technology for more than showing videos and we as educators need to take advantage of that.
Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers-This video explains why we use technology in education. Here are the 10 reasons listed below.
1. Students Love It
2. Engages the 4 Key Components to Learning
3. Professional Development
4. Makes Life Easier For Teachers
5. Improves Test Scores
6. Helps Students With Low Attention Spans
7. Learn From the Experts
8. Encourages Completion of Homework
9. Saves Money
10. Removes Obstacles
The two that stood out to me were numbers 3 and 6. Professional development is extremely important, and I believe that it should be taught at an earl age so that is more natural when the students become older. In the professional world today businesses use all kinds of technology. So it would be very beneficial for students to learn and understand that as soon as possible. I also believe that it does indeed help students with low attention spans. As someone who has ADHD there are times that find myself day-dreaming or just find that my mind has wondered off. With certain learning activities such as recordings or computer games, it does help students with those disabilities understand materials.
Project #13

The Timeline Leading up to The Declaration of Independence
Students will be taught about the events leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. From there the students will divided into groups based off one the topics we have discussed in class. They will then create a presentation on that event to present to the rest of the class. After all the presentations are done one student of each of the groups will sign on a copy of the Declaration of Independence.
Here are the links to our projects materials:
Individual Evaluation Rubrics
PBL Essential Elements Checklists
PBL Group Evaluation Rubrics
Project Calendar
Project Overview
C4K Summary for February
February 7th
By Beau B. on Feb 2, 2015
Shooting stars is a 5 star book about Lebron James and his high school career. It's about Him, Lil' Dru, Willie, Sian, Lebron, and Romeo. In this book the athletes never give up o there dreams, after falling short in the AAU finals, they decide to go to the same high school so they could keep playing together because they were the best of friends, and teammates. I think this book is a great book but they get cocky i there Junior year and....... Sorry can't say, read the book to find out. Check out my blog by clicking on my name Beau B. on Mr. Boylens links on the right side of his page if you scroll down.
My Comment
I had no idea that there was a book LeBron during his time in high school. Sounds like a good book that I'm going to have to read soon.
Feb 7, 2015, 11:05pm
February 14th
The First American in Space
The first American in space was Alan B. Shepard. He did a solo fifteen minute sub-orbital flight, in NASA's Freedom7 capsule. He was also an astronaut in the Apolo 14 Mission.
My name is Patrick and I am a student at South Alabama. I had absolutely no idea that Alan B. Shepard was the first American to travel in space. I had always believed that it was Armstrong.
LRG is a clothing brand that encourages creativity and uncovers talent from ordinary people. LRG stands for “Lifted Research Group”. This company was created in 1999, so it is a relatively new company compared to the other popular clothing companies. They manufacture a broad range of things from shoes and socks to jeans and shirts studded with real diamonds. This brand is based out of Orange county California. LRG is continuing to grow at an astonishing rate grossing an annual 200 million dollars every year. In 2011, the company suffered a huge lost, when at age 33, the co-founder of the brand died. His name was Jonas Bevacqua and he was considered the father of LRG.
Comment #3
Patrick Roane (Guest) Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I’m Patrick and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I had no idea that LGR even existed and I was born before it was created. I like that this company encourages original ideas as well as get their ideas from ordinary people. Very glad to see that this company has managed to succeed despite the loss of their “father” at such an early age.
Post #4
By Beau B. on Jan 23, 2015
Comment #4
Hi Beau,
I'm Patrick and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I have read many books on the Bulls and Michael Jordan but I have never heard of this one. It appears that I might I have to give a try though.
My name is Patrick and I am a student at South Alabama. I had absolutely no idea that Alan B. Shepard was the first American to travel in space. I had always believed that it was Armstrong.
February 21st
Post #3
Lifted Research Group
LRG is a clothing brand that encourages creativity and uncovers talent from ordinary people. LRG stands for “Lifted Research Group”. This company was created in 1999, so it is a relatively new company compared to the other popular clothing companies. They manufacture a broad range of things from shoes and socks to jeans and shirts studded with real diamonds. This brand is based out of Orange county California. LRG is continuing to grow at an astonishing rate grossing an annual 200 million dollars every year. In 2011, the company suffered a huge lost, when at age 33, the co-founder of the brand died. His name was Jonas Bevacqua and he was considered the father of LRG.
Comment #3
February 19, 2015 at 7:13 PM
Luke, I’m Patrick and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I had no idea that LGR even existed and I was born before it was created. I like that this company encourages original ideas as well as get their ideas from ordinary people. Very glad to see that this company has managed to succeed despite the loss of their “father” at such an early age.
March 2nd
Post #4
By Beau B. on Jan 23, 2015
The Jordan Rules-The Jordan Rules is a book about Michael Jordan and the 1991 Chicago Bulls. They had an amazing season and finally got passed the Detroit Pistons for the first time in the play-offs. They went on to face the L.A. Lakers who they would eventually beat. The book talks about the troubles and Triumphs of the Chicago Bulls- not Just Michael Jordan- which makes it more interesting. This is a good book and I give it five stars! ***** I would definitely recommend this book to a sports or basketball person.
Comment #4
I'm Patrick and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I have read many books on the Bulls and Michael Jordan but I have never heard of this one. It appears that I might I have to give a try though.
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I am Patrick Roane and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am glad that you had that opportunity to job shadow a nurse considering that you have a great interest in the medical field. I am studying education and I too have to do job shadowing and I too learn new things about what the job consists of each time I have the opportunity to do so.